Combining various visual formats to present a simulataneously modern and nostalgic visual impression, this documentary film follows Rebecca Achieng Ajulu-Bushell as she revisits the places her late father, political activist Rok Ajulu, recounts to her in a conversation recorded before his death. His journey spans Africa and Europe as his political activism sees him exciled from apartheid South Africa, and leads him to Europe in pursuit of an academic career. He subsequently returns to South Africa at the time of the African National Congress's transition from a liberation movement to South Africa's governing party.
Sound Mixer
Premiere - Encounters International Documentary Film Festival
Nominated - International Short Documentary Award IDFA
Featured - British Council Documentary Catalogue 2019
Selected - International Best Short Documentary at Roma Cinema Doc and IndieLisboa
Pathé Tuschinski Amsterdam
The University of Oxford
MAO Gallery
Oxfam House
Film Africa
Afrika Film Festival Köln